Our amazing volunteers packed a whopping 72,360 meals on January 14th and 15th. This allowed us to send 228,096 meals to our neighbors in Los Angeles with the help of Convoy of Hope!
Above is a video straight from Ukraine! This food has made the difference between life and death for those suffering from the wages of war in Ukraine. All of you have helped make this happen! So far we've sent over 2 Million meals to Ukraine with Convoy of Hope & Ukrainian Refugee Center. KAH could not possibly do this without the tremendous support of all our volunteer packers and the financial donations from so many of you. We thank you and as seen in the video so do the people of Ukrainian!!
Above is a video the Ukrainian Culture Community Center (USCC) sent us on how Kids Against Hunger Bay Area food has provided some relief to those needing food in the war torn area of Ukraine. All of you have helped make this happen! So far we've sent over 557,512 meal and another 285,120 more meals are going out by the end of this week! KAH could not possibly have done this without the tremendous support of all our volunteer packers and the financial donations of so many of you. We thank you and as seen in the video so do the Ukrainian people!!
We've been given the OK to have up to 100 people in the warehouse and we need to pack some food!! We need a minimum of 15 people to open so if you've got a group please give us a call at 925-400-7201 to set up an event or if you are just an individual or family that wants to join us, click the SIGN UP NOW button to find an event to join. The $20 ingredient fee pays for you to pack 120-150 meals in an hour and half! Hope to see you at an event sometime soon.