Hurricane Florence and Michael




EdNC Photo of Hurricane Florence width1440height558quality70Hurricane food

Hello Everybody!  Recently we've been very busy packing lots of food for both the Carolinas and now Florida to help with hurricane Florence and Michael relief!  If you have an hour and half and $20 to cover the cost of ingredients for 100+ meals, we have the perfect place for you and your family to come make a difference in someone's life. You can join any packing event that doesn't specifically say "Private" on our list of upcoming events. (8 and older please)   Hope to see you soon!!  KAH Team

Kids Against Hunger - Bay Area
Event Managers

Picture for Web Site

Kids Against Hunger - Bay Area does about 300 events each year.  As you can imagine it takes a lot of volunteers to make that many events successful.  Each event requires an Event Manager to be in charge of the event.  The Event Managers oversee the event, from greeting the incoming packers, to collecting the donations, explaining the process to packers, to cleaning up and reorganizing the warehouse.  If you have attended an event many time you have seen Sherri Leal who in the past has been the primary Event Manager, however we have a number of other wonderful people that have been trained and have agreed to take on this responsibility. Their pictures and names are shown above.  Although you may have talked to Sherri on the phone and arranged your packing event with her, your Event Manager will most likely be one of the above wonderful people that make Kids Against Hunger such a wonderful success, without them KAH could not possibly do the number of events we do each year.

KAH Bay Area Packs 100,440 Meals for Puerto Rico


People Packing 2                                            People Packing


Over 300 people who came and helped us pack 100,440 meals for Puerto Rico!! It was amazing how fast the meals came together! A new shipment of supplies arrives Tuesday and we'll be back to work helping feed these hungry children around the world. Remember, "Many Hands Make Light Work" and your hands also made it super fun!!