Five Years

happy anniversary

This summer we are celebrating our 5th anniversary.  As is typical when marking a milestone we tend to look back and remember and look forward and plan.  Over the past 5 years you have packed more than 5 million meals.  FIVE MILLION MEALS!

We have shipped meals to areas devastated by natural disasters, disease and poverty.  Thousands and thousands of children and their families have had a hot meal prepared from one of our packages.  Children from San Joaquin and Stanislaus Counties, Haiti, the Philippines, Somalia, Kenya, Liberia and soon Nepal have been fed by shipments from our warehouse. 

Looking forward we expect 2015 to be a record breaking year.  You have already packed over 750,000 meals and the second half of the year usually has more activity.  Thank you for all you’ve done and given to support KAH Bay Area the past 5 years and for your anticipated support as we continue to fight hunger around the world.

Local Support - Second Harvest Food Bank

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Each month, KAH Bay Area sends 10,000 meals to Second Harvest Food Bank of San Joaquin and Stanislaus Counties.  Students who participate in their Food 4 Thought program. The Students are learning how to cook KAH Food in Home Economics and then get the opportunity to "earn" a bag of  groceries which includes the KAH meals, breads, cereals, and fresh produce every 2 weeks. 

If they attend 8 hours of afterschool programs such as sports, homework club or drama they then can bring a voucher to their teacher to receive their groceries.  When you join a packing event you are helping to feed the mind & body of local children also!

ICM - Philippines

Our food finally reached the Philippines and was distributed by ICM.  Here are some details about how the food you packed helped.



Your generosity provided 237,600 meals to more than 1,200 ultrapoor families and saved more than 50 severely malnourished children in South Cotabato. One-year old Mark would have suffered from severe malnutrition if not for your help. A participant in our Home-Based Feeding program, he was severely malnourished and underweight when his mother took him to the program. The food packs you sent gave nutrition that helped him recover. Mark’s mother, Myrna was very happy and grateful for your help. “I am very thankful for all the help, especially the food packs. They were nutritious.” she said.




Aside from Mark, many families have benefitted from the food packs you sent. Mercedez became a bread winner when her husband Anastacio became weak and sickly. Her little income from selling local delicacies is not enough to feed her family, and she’s thankful for the help of the food packs, especially when income becomes scarce. She cooks them as porridge or soup, and serves them as part of their daily meals.