Kids Against Hunger-Pleasanton packages and ships highly nutritious, life-saving meals to starving and malnourished children in developing countries and in disaster situations, as well as feeding hungry children in the United States. They use the funds received through donations to purchase the high-quality ingredients that are a part of Kids Against Hunger's specific food recipe (rice, soy, dehydrated vegetables, vitamin powder) and supplies (sealing machines, plastic bags, packaging tape).
They organize packing events where volunteers assemble the ingredients in a specified order and quantity, weigh and seal the bags, box them up, and load them onto pallets. The packaged meals are then shipped to those in need.
Kids Against Hunger
The meal ingredients are formulated by food scientists to provide a rich source of easily digestible protein, carbohydrates, and vitamins needed by an undernourished child's body and mind. The food is also acceptable to the broad diversity of ethnic tastes and religious differences around the world. It is very simple to prepare, requiring only six cups of boiling water to make a complete meal.
About Kids Against Hunger-Pleasanton
Kids Against Hunger-Pleasanton operates as a satellite of Kids Against Hunger, headquartered in New Hope, Minnesota. Kids Against Hunger is a national organization with packaging satellites in over 16 U.S. states and Canada. Together they have the capacity to produce over 50 million meals per year. The Pleasanton satellite is a part of the Californian non-profit organization, Christian Education Development Co. (CEDC), that also includes Extollo International ( See